Funerals and Memorial Services
A funeral or memorial service is an important rite of passage that helps us honor a loved one by celebrating life
even as we are grieving loss. Many families find such a service especially meaningful as they share stories and
hear how much their loved one meant to others.
In Christian faith, we witness to the Good News that death is not the end, but a transition from this life to life
everlasting. Death brings the real pain of loss, but it does not separate us from the love of God nor from the love
of family and friends.
You may contact the church office or our pastor at any time to let us know of a loved one’s death or in
anticipation of an imminent death. The pastor is the Reverend Dr. Robert Marrone. You may phone 603-924-
3272 or email to contact him.
After a loved one dies, you likely will be working with a funeral home. The funeral director should contact the
church and consult with the pastor to confirm the date and time of the service. The funeral director will handle
all fees, including honoraria for the pastor and fees for the organist. If you are not using a funeral home’s
services, please refer to the fee schedule at the end of this document.
Union Congregational Church is rooted in the Peterborough community, and we offer our sanctuary for funeral
and memorial services to community members as well as to church members. Alternatively, please contact the
pastor, or ask the funeral director to do so, if you would like a service held at a funeral home.
Union Congregational Church’s pastor officiates at all services held in the church. Other clergy may participate
at the invitation of our pastor.
Likewise, our organist plays for all services held in the church. Other musicians may participate by invitation.
Preparing for the service
You will meet with our pastor to plan the service. The meeting may take place at the church, a funeral home, or
your home, depending on which location is most convenient for you and your family.
We can produce a bulletin for the service, or you are welcome to provide your own bulletin.
A casket is always closed for a service in the church. Flowers, photographs, and personal mementos will be
arranged at the front of the sanctuary if you wish to have them present at the service.
The service may be conducted using the liturgy found in the United Church of Christ Book of Worship. Our pastor
and staff will help you choose scripture, music, and anything else you would like to include.
Fraternal and military rites are not part of the church service, and these should take place at graveside or at the
fraternal organization’s place of meeting. There may be exceptions, on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of
the pastor.
General Information
If you have a query for the organist, please contact the church office at or 603-924-
3272, and the administrative assistant will relay the query.
The parlor, Fellowship Hall, and kitchen may be used for receptions following the service. The church’s
hospitality committee can arrange light refreshments, or you may arrange catering on your own.
Occupancy capacity: Sanctuary, approximately 158; Chapel, 35; Parlor, 25; Fellowship Hall, 95.
The church is accessible to persons in wheelchairs. First-floor bathrooms are also accessible.
There is a sound system, with “Walkman-type” audio enhancement. The service can be streamed on Facebook
If you wish to use the commercial-style kitchen or Fellowship Hall, please ask for additional information.
Union Congregational Church maintains a tobacco-free and alcohol-free campus.
Funeral Fee Schedule
If the funeral director billing is made by the funeral home, the minister and organist receive a check from the
funeral director.
Memorial Service at Church
In the case of a memorial service, it’s the family’s responsibility to make payments directly to the minister,
organist, and sexton. The fees, which are due at the time of the service, break down this way
Church Service Member Nonmember
Minister Honorarium $250
Organist $200* $200*
Sexton No charge. $50
Women’s Fellowship Reception No charge (The family may make a donation.)
Sanctuary No charge. $150
Chapel No charge. $50
Parlor (for reception) No charge $50
Fellowship Hall No charge $100
Kitchen No charge $75
(full use, if Women’s Fellowship isn’t providing the reception)
*For service only. Additional rehearsals for special music to be agreed upon between family and organist.